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Fidia obtains Certification for Gender Equality in Italy


An important achievement that highlights the value of the path undertaken by the Company in support of inclusion, equity and diversity.

Fidia Farmaceutici is the first mid-sized Italian pharmaceutical multinational to obtain the National Certification for Gender Equality. A milestone that confirms the Venetian company’s commitment to promoting a working environment that can also enhance the skills of all its employees.

The Certification – issued in accordance with the UNI-PDR 125:2022 standard by Uniter, a body certified by Accredia – certifies, in fact, that Fidia has adopted company policies and practices aimed at ensuring equal treatment and opportunities between men and women starting from the selection of personnel, through training, and up to remuneration and professional development. In line, therefore, with the direction of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), which defines gender equality as one of the main priorities in terms of social inclusion.

At Fidia, equal opportunities and inclusion are a concrete reality as supported by the figures: out of its more than 1,600 employees worldwide, 49.5% are women with an average age of 42, a percentage that is over 37% when considering top management in European offices.

The composition of the company’s population is only one of the elements that reflect a broader commitment to the implementation of HR and welfare policies aimed at ensuring, among others, gender balance. These include the launch of a procedure for pay equity, a series of policies to support remote work, part-time work and parenting.

In synergy with innovations in company policies, continuous training courses aimed at all employees are also in place, which go beyond the scope of gender equality and lead to the broader area of social equity and enhancement of diversity. A solid example is the Diversity Equity & Inclusion week, held at the beginning of March, which included a series of meetings dedicated to diversity in all its forms and which aims to break down every stereotype.

“We believe that each person plays a fundamental role in building an inclusive working environment where all diversity is valued, considered an enrichment and a growth accelerator. We are proud, therefore, to have obtained this certification, which recognizes the work achieved thus far; we are also aware, however, that it is not a point of arrival, but just one step in a journey where we will continue to invest in people” – stated Carlo Pizzocaro, President and CEO of Fidia Farmaceutici.

“We are redesigning our corporate culture not only by putting our people at its centre, but by personally involving them in order to create a work environment where values and behaviours are shared by all and not imposed from the top. Indeed, the policies we are implementing are a direct consequence of this project but only represent a stepping stone for a much broader change of approach” – concluded Gianluca Magnani, Global People&Culture Officer of Fidia Farmaceutici.

National Certification for Gender Equality